I'm all for realistic expectations for shipping dates from online sellers. But this order recently from a popular online bookstore really got me wondering.
Shipped on August 13, in Allen Park, Michigan (159 miles away) and departing, but it will take nearly two months to get here? Is this the Pony Express? Not even. Even if you only traveled during 8 daylight hours each day, you would average less than half-a-mile-per-hour (yes I did the math).
Update: Book did arrive – in pretty good shape too for going around the world.
You are so funny!
ahh…see…your logic is faulted. They’re not travelling a half mile per hour.
the postal service is in fact travelling at 53.32 miles per hour. And by my calculations, they’re right on time to arrive at your house precisely as indicated.
you’re assuming that the postal service is taking the most direct route to your house, by heading west from Allen Park, Michigan. As you may know, west is not the only direction by which your house may be reached from the eastern side of the state. If the postal employee traveled east from Allen Park, circling the globe at a steady speed of 53.32 miles per hour (well within posted speed limits in most municipalities), driving an 8 hour shift per calendar day, they would arrive at your house as promised – on October 10th.
He’s got a point….
Oh hey.. and you need to move United States to the top of your country list.
You know, now that you mention it, I have had freak episodes on Google Maps where it has routed me across the ocean ("swimming") when it found a similar named location in a European country. Maybe that is it. I’ll let you know.
I didn’t want to spend the weekend reading about 3D WPF development anyway ….. better topic for study in the fall anyway 🙂