fun size teen kimmy granger gets rammed. hot amateur latina sucks.

a.k.a. when that cough isn’t “just a cough”

I know the trend lately has been that antibiotics are prescribed when they aren’t needed, and the fall/winter colds and flu are usually a virus.  But that is not always true.

If you’ve got symptoms that seem to gradually get worse over a week or more, feel extremely tired, run a low fever for a couple days in a row, have a nasty cough, Google etc, you might just want to see a doctor and get some antibiotics (if necessary).  I think I did that just in time.

So after four days of basically sleeping 12-16 hours off-and-on I am back to a good 68% but it will take at least a week to be “better”.  Oh, and the snow needs to wait another weekend so I can finish with the leaves in the yard and take the trampoline down.

Oh and “This blog post is provided for general information purposes and should not be construed in any way as health or medical advice or treatment recommendations. Please seek a medical professional for advice.”  But I guess that is what I was saying to do anyway.