by Bruce | Nov 13, 2007 | General
Each year we have been taking a driving vacation out of Grand Rapids. It is typically 10-14 days with some final destination (turn-around point). We’ve found that driving 6-9 hours a day is optimal (depending on what you want to do at the interim...
by Bruce | Nov 7, 2007 | General
a.k.a. when that cough isn’t “just a cough” I know the trend lately has been that antibiotics are prescribed when they aren’t needed, and the fall/winter colds and flu are usually a virus. But that is not always true. If you’ve got...
by Bruce | Nov 2, 2007 | General
Straight to the point – I am on a bowling team next Wednesday in the 22nd Annual Coconut Bowl Bowling Classic to support Junior Achievement (no we don’t bowl with coconuts (do we?)). JA reaches over 60,000 students (just in West Michigan alone) a...
by Bruce | Nov 2, 2007 | Things that make me think
In September, Mac Fowler asked “I wonder how many mouse clicks there are across the world per day?” – a Random thought, sure, but valid. So many questions are unanswerable, but the impact of the mouse (which was invented in many/most of our...
by Bruce | Oct 31, 2007 | General
I was reading through the latest Despair, Inc. catalog when this shirt caught me off guard. I read left-to-right, top-to-bottom (as most westerners do), so you get the "Made in America" and the little abstract flag, then BOOM, "By Robots"....