fun size teen kimmy granger gets rammed. hot amateur latina sucks.

Bruce's Blog

Bug vs. Feature

He he - kind of on the "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" theme ... Too true. Global Nerdy » Blog Archive » Bug vs. Feature

First Lego League Regional Robotics Competition

I spent most of Saturday at the regional FIRST Lego League Robotics competition in Grandville (pics). It is a competition of 9-14 year old kids who have spent 8-12 weeks working on Lego robotics programs (and much much more) to solve the yearly theme called...

MS Math Add-In for Word 2007

I wont spend much time rehashing this because Chris does a great job of it in his post, but there is a Add-in for Word 2007 that does much more than just equation editing. And you thought "spell check" was cool - now there is "math check". It will simplify the...

6Gb of memory – Now What?!?

Thanks to Chris for the heads-up on the $50 (after rebate) "cyber-Monday" memory deal at NewEgg - arrives on Thursday, can't beat that. 2 2Gb sticks brings me to 6Gb.  It is strange how much pressure I feel now having a system I could only dream about even 3-4...

Silverlight 2.0

Today's post from ScottGu contains some really good news. Rather than "just adding" .Net development capabilities to Silverlight 1.0 and calling it "1.1" they are giving people just about everything they were asking for (i.e. was missing from) Silverlight and now...

Science Museum – Launchpad Online – Launchball

  It's a little like Tetris, a little like Legos, throw in some physical science concepts and nice puzzle designs, and you get Launchball - a somewhat addicting and thought-provoking web-based game. Science Museum - Launchpad Online - Launchball

Health Care

Yes, I subscribe to one of those "daily quote" widgets - but today's just seemed to strike me as funny (having dealt with health care a lot in the last month, listening to the debates lately, and it is always good to get Scotland into a quote whenever...

Pet Peeve #26

I didn't get up early for shopping on Friday, but there were some really good deals (including percent off coupons) that helped buy even the basics.  If you needed a big flat screen TV, a laptop, a GPS, or any other big ticket item then there were deals to be...

Oxford Word Of The Year: Locavore

Locavore .... clearly like carnivore, or omnivore .... something you eat .... a habit more than a diet .... but what's a "Loc"? It ends up that the Loc means, roughly, "Location" as the word of the year's definition is that "local residents should try to eat only food...

Chuck Norris Political Ad

I remember when all the Chuck Norris "Facts" were going around a few years back, that the man himself went through several stages of acceptance of the whole fad.  Well it looks like he has come around and actually is having some fun with it now. This post is not...

VS2008 on Vista x64

Last VS2008 post, I promise .... If you are installing on Vista, especially if you have a 64-bit version, and especially if you've installed the beta versions - then a few things may happen. First rule of installing / uninstalling something is to never, ever,...

Visual Studio 2008 plug-ins (warning Silverlight 1.1)

VS2008 install notes: Took about 1 hour and 15 minutes to install (not bad really - way less than the Visual Studio 2005 SP1). But, if you are installing VS2008 to get at Silverlight 1.1, hold off for a little while and stick with VS2008 Beta2 - the Silverlight 1.1...

Visual Studio 2008 Ships

<geek_speak> The blogscape is alive with posts - start your downloaders (p.s. if you keep getting bounced using Internet Explorer, try Firefox (it has a different download manager)).....

MapQuest, Google Maps, Virtual Earth, Yahoo? Anyone?

Each year we have been taking a driving vacation out of Grand Rapids.  It is typically 10-14 days with some final destination (turn-around point).  We've found that driving 6-9 hours a day is optimal (depending on what you want to do at the interim...

Walking pneumonia

a.k.a. when that cough isn't "just a cough" I know the trend lately has been that antibiotics are prescribed when they aren't needed, and the fall/winter colds and flu are usually a virus.  But that is not always true. If you've got symptoms that seem to...

Bowling for Junior Achievement

Straight to the point - I am on a bowling team next Wednesday in the 22nd Annual Coconut Bowl Bowling Classic to support Junior Achievement (no we don't bowl with coconuts (do we?)).  JA reaches over 60,000 students (just in West Michigan alone) a year.  It...