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Losing 70 pounds

Losing 70 pounds

Today I “graduated” from my medical weight loss program – down 70 pounds in 17 weeks.  All my “stats” got better – losing 10 inches on my waist, blood pressure much lower (dropped meds), and similar drops across the board.  Since...

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

I just got done reading Malcom Gladwell's "Outliers: The Story of Success" and I want to make this as little like a middle school book report as possible. So … For my ADD readers: Recommended? Yes, Absolutely Audience? Amazingly wide –...

What is CodeMash?

I get regularly chided by some friends on Twitter and Facebook when my updates and messages seem to include things that are quite foreign to many people – and in reviewing a few of the more egregious posts, they are absolutely correct.  So, to head off what will...