fun size teen kimmy granger gets rammed. hot amateur latina sucks.

So, I know we have had a great summer – nice temps in the high 70s / low 80s, little rain to spoil any weekends, nice night viewing for stargazers, etc. – and I know August is traditionally the hottest month, but 97°? 96°?

It wouldn't be so bad if the interior fan motor in my car didn't fail late last week.  Wasn't a big deal at the time, I just rolled down the windows and it was windy but ok.   Yesterday I got into my car and it was 100+ and my black leather steering wheel (which was in direct sunlight all afternoon) was almost untouchable.  So I got going and opened my window and it was like turning on a huge hair dryer in my face.  Nothing, nada, too hot. 

And we're getting ready to sell the house ( – work in progress, needs cleanup, details and photos) in the next week or so and parts of my lawn look like open desert.  I'm trying to water but it is hard to keep up (especially on the sides of the house).  Looks like 90s the rest of the week with no real rain in sight.  Too bad we took down Nathan's weather station this weekend or I could see what the graph of temps is going lately.

Stay cool – drink water – Bruce