I have to get 7 cub scouts started tonight on creating a mousetrap car. This is in addition to the pinewood derby car they are already working on, and some are working on LEGO robotics creations as well.
I’ve Googled it, bought some supplies (but still don’t have the mousetraps), but lack any real practical experience in doing this myself.
Anyone done this before and have some words of wisdom/warning?
if memory serves, you’ll want to beta test a rear axle with a small amount of candle wax coating to give the winding string a bit of grip. And make sure the string end is not tied to the axle. It needs to turn loose when the string has reached its maximum travel.
oh…and don’t snap your fingers. and if you do snap your fingers, make sure you have the video rolling so that we can all share in the ensuing hilarity.